Best practices

These guidelines are intended to help Community Voices blog authors craft and present their blog posts with the goal of creating the most helpful content that will reach the widest potential audience.

General principles for writing your posts

Writing blog posts is an art and a science. Follow these tips to craft your posts and ensure that your work makes an impact.

  • Tell a story:
    • Make sure your post has a beginning, a middle, and an end: for example, what's the problem you and your team faced? Why does it matter to your reader? How did you solve it? What were the results?
  • Think about what you want your readers to take away:
    • It helps to start at the end and consider what you want your readers to learn from your post. Is there a call to action that you want to leave for your readers? Or a discussion you want to spark in the comments?
  • Keep it simple:
    • To help connect with your readers, focus on one thing and don't try to cover too much. If you have a lot to share, consider writing a series of blog posts rather than one long post.
  • Write in your own voice:
    • Blogs should be informal, personal, and fun. Tell your story in your post like you would tell it to a friend or colleague.
  • Include images:
    • Help readers follow your story with images or video clips. Ensure you have permission to use any images that you do include. If in doubt, stick to using images with Creative Commons license, which are widely available on sites including Google Images, Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, and many others.
  • Proofread your post:
    • Don't forget to check your content (or have someone else to do it for you). Reading aloud helps to spot mistakes. Or use a tool like Grammarly or even Word before posting.
  • Get a peer review:
    • Just as engineers have code reviews, having a friend or colleague review your post and give feedback can help make sure your post has the impact you want.

Suggestions for types of blog posts

The Community Voices blog is your place to share your insights, knowledge, and experience with the Community. Here are a few suggestions for topics you might cover.

Share your knowledge

Write a tutorial, how to, or workflow:

  • How you solved a problem using a product or feature
  • Best practices, tools and techniques, troubleshooting
  • Interoperability and workflow customization

Share your stories

Write a story about your experiences:

  • Case studies: how we did that? solved a problem, built a project, managed a workflow
  • Career tips and stories: what does a day in your work life look like? How did you get started in your industry? What advice would you give to others?

Start a discussion

Share your thoughts on an industry topic that matters to you:

  • Explore trends and insights in your industry, for example, digital transformation, remote work, automation, or emerging technologies
  • Discuss topics such as navigating diversity, belonging, and inclusion in your industry